How to Prevent Puddles on Asphalt Parking Lots
There shouldn’t be any standing water in your parking lot, especially when it’s been a few days since the last rain. If you notice standing water in your asphalt parking lot, this could be a sign of structural damage that needs repairs. Our asphalt contractors can help you find the best solution for your parking lot.
Use Sloped Surfaces
Your asphalt parking lot should be sloped between 1.5% and 3% while the shoulders require a slope between 3% and 6%. The gentle slope of your asphalt parking lot is designed to prevent water from pooling in the middle.
It’s important to do your research so you hire paving contractors who will do quality work and take the necessary precautions to prevent standing water.
parking lots in Minnesota benefit greatly from being sloped because of the level of precipitation and snowmelt.Avoid Parking Heavy Machinery or Vehicles
Your parking lot was designed to carry weight within a specified range. If your asphalt parking lot was engineered to only support passenger vehicles, you should avoid having heavy machinery or vehicles park for long periods of time on your asphalt parking lot.
Did you know that it’s more damaging to have heavy vehicles sit on your pavement than it is to just have them drive? Over time, the extra weight will sink into the surface of your parking lot and make indentations. For example, if a truck is parked for several days on your asphalt parking lot, you may be able to match up the indentations to each individual tire.
Water will always flow to the lowest point in your asphalt parking lot. If heavy vehicles or trucks have depressed the parking lot repair.
, the water will pool there after it rains. To prevent future puddles in your parking lot, we recommend you contact an asphalt contractor forAsphalt Sealcoating & Repairs
Ensuring your asphalt is flat and level will help prevent water from pooling together. Potholes, dips, and depressions will enable water to gather and stay longer than it should in your parking lot. This is why asphalt maintenance is important to prevent water from pooling and potentially sinking down into cracks which will ultimately cause more damage.
Asphalt sealcoating is a great way to protect your pavement from rain, snow, sleet, UV rays, and automobile fluids. Sealcoating itself doesn’t repair cracks or holes so if your asphalt is damaged, you’ll need to repair it before getting sealcoating done.
Install Proper Drainage
The best way to prevent water from puddling in the first place is to hire a reputable asphalt contractor to install proper parking lot drainage. In addition to making sure your parking lot has the right slope and grade, a paving contractor will make sure drains are strategically placed to collect water runoff. Asphalt contractors are trained to detect where potential draining problems may occur in your parking lot.
Preventing water damage is important because it extends the life of your asphalt parking lot. When water is allowed to seep into the foundation, it creates structural issues within your asphalt. A deteriorating asphalt parking lot is likely to develop more impressions where water will collect. Flooded parking lots increase the likelihood of you needing asphalt repair for cracks and potholes.
Ready to Prevent Puddles?
Our Minneapolis contractors work hard to earn your business by providing a wide range of services like asphalt patch and pothole repair. To request your quote for asphalt repair, call ACT Asphalt Specialties Co. at (651) 484-1696.
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This blog post has been updated.